Mountaineering in South America → Pataguides | Licensed guides
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Mountaineering in Patagonia, Peru & Bolivia

By mountaineering we refer to all those activities, hikes, climbs and ascensions done in high mountains: Whether it is an ascension to high mountains or volcanoes, where glaciers have to be crossed and require special logistics, or rock, ice or mix climbing in steep towers.

Some examples are:

Guilloumet , Santa Cruz | Poincenot , Santa Cruz | Fitz Roy, Santa Cruz | Tronador : Pico Argentino, Chileno or International | Puntiagudo , Lakes Region , Chile | Mariano Moreno, Southern Patagonian Field , Santa Cruz | Cap Blanca, Santa Cruz | San Lorenzo , Santa Cruz | Co Vallecitos and Co Rinco in Mendoza | Co Tolosa , Mendoza | Nevados Ishinca (5450 m) , Urus (5,350 m) , Toclarraju (6090 m), Alpamayo (5,945 m) and others in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru | Torres del Paine , Chile

Mountaineering Expeditions

  • All
  • Bolivia
  • Patagonia
  • Peru
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Camila & Luciano

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    MountaineeringTrekkingSki TouringIce ClimbingRock Climbing